Tag Archive | large crochet doll

Large Crochet Doll Wearing Crochet Baby Yoda Mask

My sister asked me to make her a crocheted Baby Yoda face mask. I responded that of course I would and then didn’t make it…for two months! She asked again because she wanted to enter it in a contest at her work. They were awarding prizes for the best homemade mask. She was convinced we would win.

Well, now there was a deadline so I actually had to do it – plus prizes! I started throwing out ideas like maybe she’d like a Wonder Woman mask or a mermaid mask. Nope, she wanted Baby Yoda. I didn’t realize it at first, but I was probably baby Yodaed out. The other masks were things I’d like and not things she’d like, so I stopped procrastinating and made it.

I looked around for ideas on how to make a general crochet mask. I had already crocheted a few, but I wanted a different style for this one. Once I saw a few varieties, I designed my own with the right colors.

Just for the fun of it, I made the mask it’s own mask.

My sister also wanted her Company’s logo somewhere, so I placed it on the mask for the mask. The logo didn’t look complicated but it was challenging to represent it in crochet while making it recognizable as such. I made a few attempts until we were both satisfied.

Then she thought it would look cute if we took a picture of the mask on my big crochet Baby Yoda but it was too much baby Yoda! I suggested she take my big crochet doll instead and try it on her. The doll has only traveled from the school (where she was born) and my house. I entrusted her to my sister’s care and sent her on her way.

My sis did a fantastic job taking pictures of the doll with the mask. And it was fun to see she used one of my mom’s blankets as a backdrop. There was lots of crochet going on but it looked super cool.

All I can say is if she doesn’t win with that, I’d like to see what does win!

Life-size Crochet Doll Pranks

After our school shut down due to the coronavirus and we had to close down our after-school program, I brought home the large doll I crocheted for the kids. I didn’t want to leave her there all alone. My hubby always complains that when she’s in the house, she scares him when he least expects it. This was no exception.

I had her on the couch–and predictably–she spooked him a few times. Success!

Large doll on couch.JPG

Poor thing looked pooped after playing with school kids for a few years!

I decided to be a good sport and move her…into his office…when he wasn’t looking. Obviously I was trying to spook him. But to my chagrin, he didn’t even notice her. She was propped up in his armchair right next to his computer! It’s the first thing you see when you walk into his office! Needless to say, after he didn’t notice her for awhile, I pointed her out while he was sitting at his desk–two feet from his head. 😂

We decided that that would be her new home…until I walked into my office–and didn’t notice her either. I basically walked right past her to get to my desk and didn’t see her. But when I turned around…Bam! She spooked me!

Large doll desk


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Life-size doll tries to steal my man!

Last summer, I left the life-size crochet doll in the classroom and instantly regretted it. I had no access to her for pictures or fun. When I returned in the Fall, the custodian told me how she kept scaring him, along with other people who entered our room. Although very funny, I didn’t want to scare anyone at work over the Summer.

At the end of this school year, I brought her home and quickly propped her up on the couch. Now you see her when you walk in the front door. I don’t want to scare the staff at the school, but I don’t mind scaring the family. 🙂

We had a graduation for my son, nephew and niece recently, and while I was running around taking pictures, I think the life-size doll was trying to cuddle up to my husband. He wasn’t even aware she was making moves on him. She looked all cozy, watching him play on his phone.

Life size crochet doll with hubby.jpg

I moved in for a picture, stealth-like.


Life size crochet doll with hubby_1.jpg

He was very suspicious.

I asked what he was doing with the doll. He acted like he didn’t know she was there.

Life size crochet doll with hubby_3.jpg

Where did she come from? 

He claimed she was in his spot and he just moved her out of the way. And she just happened to land like that? A likely story.

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That’s right, she just happened to land like that.

I rescued her from a summer of loneliness and misery and this is how she repays me?

P.S. All but one of the pictures is authentic, that is, hubby didn’t know what I was doing. I bet you can tell which ones were real and which one he was hamming up.

Life-size Crochet Doll Update

I think I mentioned that the kiddos are playing with the life-size doll a lot more this year, which means she’s getting really beat up. I don’t mind though. They seem to be really enjoying playing with her and that’s what I was hoping for.

However, her little shorts kept falling off whenever they dragged her (and I do mean dragged) from one place to another. As they were pulling her from her hair, caveman style, her shorts would go down. While they’re whipping her hair all around, she’d be losing her shorts. Enough was enough. I had to give her a little dignity. I worked up some shorts that would never fall off again. I found some yarn in our drawer and got to work. When done, I sewed them to her body. Those shorts aren’t going anywhere!

Life-size doll

Do you like my new shorts? And where’d my glasses go?!

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Back at Work

I was going to write a post about how I’m doing on Level 2 of the teaching certification but I’m back at work and have spent the last week getting ready for the return of the kids on Thursday. On Friday, I got to sit down for a few minutes (and I do mean a few) and was crocheting shorts for the life-size doll. Why does she need shorts I hear you ask? Well, this new crop of Kinders really went to town playing with the doll.

life size crochet doll

You can almost see the pulled eyebrow.

Since they didn’t see me make her and since I haven’t been as concerned with her well being like I was last year, they’ve been dragging her by the arms, legs, hair and anywhere else they can pull her from. She’s about their size so I know it’s hard for them to pick her up. One of her eyebrows has been pulled out (I need to get around to fixing that). In the process of all this pulling, her shorts keep falling off. They were a little loose to begin with so I decided to crochet her some shorts that will be sewn in at the waist.

As usual, I got some curious kiddos coming over to check out what I was doing. They all want to help and so I let them. Here is their idea of helping me.

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Yarn tangle.jpg

They were unrolling the yarn for me. LOL Normally I don’t let them tangle up my yarn like that but it being the second day for my Kinders, one of my little helper was a little sad and missing her parents. It made her happy to ‘help’ me so I let her do it. It was easy to wrap it back up when it was time to put it away.

It’s never a dull moment. 🙂


Knackered Life-Size Crochet Doll

In case anyone wants to know what the life-size crochet doll is up to, here’s an update. She’s knackered! The kids are getting into full swing playing with her and it ain’t pretty!

Crochet life size doll IMG_3342

Ok, this is kinda pretty.

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Life-Size Crochet Doll is done!

Life size crochet doll

It’s done! It’s done! I had to take her home to finish her legs because I just didn’t have enough time at work. During our Spring Break, I worked furiously. When the legs were done and attached, with a jolt, I realized I wouldn’t be working on her anymore. There’s a lot of energy expended when creating, and suddenly, there’s nowhere for that energy to go. But that feeling didn’t last long (there’s always another project waiting to monopolize my time).

Once I got her dressed, I left her on my bed until I was ready to take her to my car. What a surprise to walk back into the bedroom to find my hubby pumping her legs up and down like she was running and then playing patty cake with her. He looked at me with a huge grin and I burst out laughing. What a scene! I had a good belly laugh. He kept right on playing with her. Wasn’t this the same man who knocked her over and threw a jacket on her so she would stop scaring him every time he walked into the house? Well, he did say he loved her even though she scared him. 😁 Continue reading

On the cusp of crochet overload!

I’ve been furiously toiling away on the life-size doll legs while binge watching medium shows, when I just had to put them down.

Life size crochet doll

Legs are almost done!

I already watched all of the Long Island Medium episodes that were available on Hulu and today, I was burning through Monica the Medium.  My back was hurting, my eyes were watering and I wondered how long I had been sitting and crocheting. Turns out it was a really, really, really long time. I needed a break.

I got up, had some lunch and then spotted this naked pillow on the couch. It was naked Continue reading

Life Size Crochet Doll WIP

What to do when I have a half-finished doll the kids are salivating to get their hands on? I let them play with it of course! Not sure if this was prudent, but it sure was fun. I’ve allowed the kids to play with her because I wasn’t sure I could finish her before the end of the school year. I’m glad I did  because they’ve been having so much fun with her. Especially the hair, they can’t stop messing with the hair! They even put this cute flower in it that came from a cupcake we had for snack.


The flower made all the difference!


One little girl shared her headband 🙂

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Life Size Crochet Doll Progress

Crochet large doll

Picture it, three small children, smitten with half of a life size doll. I finally attached arms to my doll and three of my Kindergarten students couldn’t stop hugging her and dare I mention, one of them couldn’t stop kissing her. The doll is a bit heavy because I stuffed her body with rags but that didn’t stop them from picking her up and squeezing her (and kissing her). Continue reading