Archive | April 2019

Renaissance Pleasure Faire 2019

We had a great time as usual at the Renaissance Faire. We go every year and this time around, I wore my crochet fairy doll costume. Let me tell you, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to pull it off but it was a big success. Faire goers responded really well to it, especially the wig and the wings. Ironically, most people didn’t even notice the doll or that we matched, until I pointed it out, and then they loved her.

Here I was right before we left the house.IMG_7549.JPG

Once there, we let the revelry begin!

FBGI3988.JPGTJZA1123.JPGGTGX8069.JPGScreen Shot 2019-04-18 at 10.19.41 AM.pngBy the end we were exhausted but happy. ๐Ÿ™‚

If you’re curious about past years, here they are!

2012-2015ย This link shows pics from those years since I didn’t individually post about those visits.



I couldn’t find a post about 2018 and was wondering why not. Could it be possible I didn’t post anything? Then I found two pictures in my photo archives on my computer and I was wearing an outfit that had no crochet in it, like at all! Still, I wonder why I didn’t post about it? It’s not the greatest pic but at least it’s proof I went! I was starting to doubt. ๐Ÿ™‚

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I was with my sisters and don’t have permission to post their pic but I loved going with them.

Crochet Fairy Costume – Outfit

As usual, I like working under a time crunch. I had a full week to finish my crochet doll fairy outfit for the Renaissance Faire. We go every year and we picked a weekend that was going to be relatively cool since I was representing in full-out crochet. I wasted no time and planned what would be done on what day.

Day 1-4

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The corset/bustier whatchamacallit and arm cuffs

This actually took me longer than I expected but it was relatively easy. It was time consuming but easy. The top is just rows of single crochet, alternating between two rows of purple and black. The black skirt was double crochet with an increase round and back post stitches thrown in. The black skirt took the longest because the yarn was so darn thin and took forever to work up, but patience won out and I got it done. I also worked on the frame for the wings.


I was bouncing back and forth between the wings and the dress.

The frame for the wings were two wire hangers that I joined. I destroyed many wire hangers trying to get a good look. And what did I go with in the end? I took two hangers and just twisted the hook parts around each other and stretched the bottom of the hangers out. Sometimes simple is best, especially when you’re in a time crunch. I single crocheted around the whole thing. I set it aside for later.

Day 5

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The skirt (goes under the black skirt)

The skirt did actually take me just one day,ย  a day of non-stop crochet, but just one day. ๐Ÿ™‚ This was similar to the black skirt in that it was mostly double crochet. The waist got some single crochet but that was it. Oh, and the bottom edging was done in picots.

Day 6

I couldn’t decide how I wanted the wings to look. I had all sorts of notions but went with something simple and fast. Honestly, I felt like I was just slapping things together but it ended up looking pretty. The flowers were last minute touches that I think made the wings look complete.


My daughter said it looked like eyes so I added the flowers so it wouldn’t!

Day 7

Aaahhh, the hair. I left the hair for last because I had a clear picture of what I wanted and how I was going to achieve the look. I had planned on making a thin headband. I knew it would get hot so I didn’t want a full beanie with yarn all around. A ponytail could be achieved with strands around the border.ย My first attempt was a fail. Not enough coverage! I had to add more rounds to the head band and a second layer of strands, but that did the trick. Last but not least were the ringlets. I didn’t even secure them well because it was close to midnight and I wanted to sleep! I secured them just well enough so they wouldn’t fall out during the day. I reasoned I would permanently attach them after the fair.

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I ended up loving it!

Overall, I was thrilled with how everything turned out and I made it in time for the fair!

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I’ll write about our adventure in myย  next post. Spoiler alert, the wig and wings were a big hit!

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Progress on Crochet Fairy Costume

I’ve made some pretty good progress on my costume. Is this considered cosplay? I’m going to say that it is. I’m a cosplayer!

I was nervous the outfit wouldn’t look good or that it would look nice but wouldn’t look good on me. I tried it on (as much as I could) and it fit nicely and it’s looking promising.

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I’m liking what’s happening here. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m pretty encouraged and motivated to finish it as soon as possible. I also got ahead of myself and started working on the wings. That was supposed to be last. LOL

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I got creative with two wire hangers.

I’m bouncing back and forth but I that’s ok. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m going to be so ready for the Renaissance Fair!

Renaissance Fair Crochet Cosplay 2019

It’s that time again when I start planning my outfit for the Renaissance Fair here in Southern California. Considering it starts next Friday, I’m a little late (as usual), but I have until mid-May before the fair ends so plenty of time, NOT! I suppose I could just wear one of my other crochet outfits. Afterall, I’ve only worn my dragon cloak once.

Ren faire Cloak

Three renaissance fairs ago.

I would still have to come up with something to wear that would look good with the cloak but I’ve been toying with a different idea for years now and I’m going to give that idea a go.

I’ve wanted to make a crochet fairy outfit but could never decide what I wanted. I was staring at one of my crochet fairy dolls I’d made when a stroke of genius (lunacy) struck me. I’m going to replicate her outfit.

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I’ve kept this one because she’s one of my favorites.

I’m going to go as a crochet fairy doll and I’m taking the doll with me. We’ll be twinsies. Of course, that assumes the outfit will look good on me. If it doesn’t, I guess I’ll be using that dragon cloak afterall. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m almost done with the top portion.

Just a little more to go!

I’ll work on the skirt next, then the wig and will do the wings last. She has wings but I’m going to make us both something different so I didn’t show them. Can’t wait till it’s done. I hope I like it enough to wear it. Fingers crossed.