Tag Archive | tunisian crochet phone case

More Tunisian Crochet Phone Cases

Birthday season is finally over in our household. It gets kicked off right after Christmas with my son’s birthday, followed by my husbands birthday. Then immediately after (now February) by my birthday, and lastly, my daughter’s birthday a week later. This year, we had a party for my daughter and celebrated with friends and family. This is where I gave away the tunisian roses case to my sis-in-law.

My other friend had requested a phone case as well, so I modified a different tunisian crochet case I already had. I was going to make her a new one, but she liked that one, so I fixed it for her by adding more rows so it would fit her phone.

My sister saw that I was handing out phone cases and wanted one too. She liked the stitch on the tunisian one, so I worked on hers during the gathering. I finished just before she left.


Tunisian crochet simple stitch phone case

My other sister didn’t want to be left out so she picked out some yarn and I promised to make her a case.

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Finished after the party using Tunisian knit stitch.

I started it before the party was over and my other sister (yep, the one who got one already) liked the new stitch and wanted another one. She told me to pick some nice colors and make her another one. We settled on purple and whatever looked good with purple.

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Made after, after the party using Tunisian knit stitch.

It was a busy night (and next couple of days) but I always feel good when I make something useful for my family.

When Crochet Goes Wrong – Tunisian Crochet Roses

I recently came across a YouTube video on how to make tunisian crochet roses. I thought they were super cute so I gave it a try. Once I was done trying, I had to decide what to make with it. A phone case sounded like a good idea at the time.

I practiced the stitch at work and turned that one into a phone case first. Meh, I didn’t like it. The kids liked it so I threw it in the prize box.

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I place the seam in the middle of the back instead of the side. I think it worked better.

I vowed to make the one at home look better. Meh, it came out worse but it covers the phone just fine. The sides bunched up in a way that made it turn inward when I sewed the sides together. I was doomed from the get-go. Then, I totally missed the mark on the bottom of the case. It looks more like a stocking.

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I seamed this one on the side and that didn’t work out so well.

I guess that’s what happens sometimes when  you’re eyeballing things instead of having a clear cut plan. It’s a cute pattern though. Not sure if I’ll use it again, or even for what I would use it again, but it sure is cute. My sis-in-law liked it so I added a little more to the top (not shown) so it would fit her phone. She’s happy with it so I guess it’s a win.

Another Crochet Phone Case

The last few days of the school year brought about a slow-down in crochet projects. I’ve been wanting a pink phone case so I decided to make one. The kids liked it so much, I threw it in the prize box. Then one day, I forgot my phone case so I ‘borrowed’ the one in the prize-box. The kids called me on it so I made a new one and put theirs back in there. I’m pretty sure someone picked it so it’s a good thing I corrected the error of my ways!

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I used two strands of yarn for this one, pink and white, and used the knit stitch and simple stitch in tunisian crochet. At first I was worried it would be too thick but it was perfect. It hugged my phone just right. 🙂

Freebie Friday – Tunisian Crochet Phone Case

I haven’t done a Freebie Friday in a while, mainly because I haven’t had as much time to dig around the internet for cool patterns (or write up my own). But since I was tasked (forced) to make something for CYC course, it seemed like a no brainer to share it. Ok, no one tasked (forced) me. Making your own pattern was optional, but since I went ahead and wrote up my own pattern, here it is. 🙂

Tunisian crochet mobile-phone case

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Tunisian Crochet Cell Phone Case

I’m trying to come up with items for our ultimate-prize-box at work. I already have a few items in there but I need more. I recently asked the kids for ideas on things they’d like to see in there and the answers I got ranged from the doable to the impossible. I heard ’emoji’ this or that a lot. Surprisingly, they say they want items that represent our program. The name of our after-school program is World Academy and our logo features the world. We brainstormed about bracelets, jewelry, hats, bags, and cases with our logo.

So in that spirit, I decided to make a cell-phone case using our colors and a depiction of the world in cross-stitch.

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Loosely based on our logo. Very Loosely!

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Tunisian crochet lends itself well to cross-stitch so I went with that. The kids were fascinated when they saw me cross-stitching on the case and almost all of them were excited it was going into the box. But the more I look at it, the more I want to keep it to represent! I guess I’ll just have to make another one for me. 🙂

I’m thinking I should make some type of yarn/hook/accessory carry bags/cases for those students who have gotten really good at crocheting. I think they would love to have something to carry their stuff around and having it in our colors would be an added bonus. I’m starting to get excited here.When I presented the idea to one of my 4th grade girls, she sat down right in front of me and said we needed to talk about design ideas. We didn’t have much time so we’ll have to do it later. She also asked if I could get it done by the time she reached the ultimate prize box. She’s reaching that milestone pretty fast. I don’t know if I can! The pressure! Sure I can. I got this. 🙂 I think I’ll have to have a brainstorm session soon with my ‘master’ crocheters on designing something that would work. It always makes them feel good when I take their input and they often surprise me with their ideas. Can’t wait to get started!

Craft Yarn Council Teacher Certification Level 2 Passed!

It took a while but I finally received my pin and certificate for level 1. I had already sent in my level two swathes and was waiting to hear about my exit call for level 2 to go over my work. This time around, I didn’t pass right away. Overall, my master teacher had good things to say. She commented on how good my weaving in of the tails was. I was glad because I was a bit obsessive about it. She said it was obvious I loved tunisian crochet because that swatch was great and my lesson plans were based around a tunisian crochet phone case of my own design that she liked.

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Tunisian phone case_2.jpgShe asked if I published my designs and I replied that I don’t. She said I should publish my tunisian designs. Was that my heart skipping a beat? I think it was. I was floating.

Then came the crash to earth. She said most of my swatches were excellent but she did have a few comments about some of them. Continue reading