Archive | October 2016

Freebie Friday – Halloween Wench

I have been wanting to make my own corset for the Renaissance Faire but haven’t come up with anything on my own. Today, I came across this pattern from Red Heart yarns while looking for Halloween ideas. Lately, I have been pretty impressed with the patterns I’m finding at Red Heart.

This pattern can be easily adapted for Ren Faire and I plan to give it a try.  But in the meantime, it’s almost Halloween! 🎃👻

Halloween wench.png

Pattern can be found here.


I am not affiliated with any websites nor do I make any money from these sites. They are simply patterns I like or would like to try myself.

Sun emoji or sunflower

There’s never a dull moment when working with elementary school kids. I’m always learning something from them. Take, for example, the ‘laughing so hard it’s crying’ emoji I made.


The laughing so hard it’s crying emoji

Yes, that’s what I kept calling it when the kids asked what I was making. Lucky form me, the kids know best. They referred to it as the ‘laugh out loud’ emoji. Admittedly, that made more sense. I started calling it that when it changed again. The student who claimed it out of the prize box was calling it the ‘L-O-L’ emoji. That was even better! My title for the emoji suddenly sounded so foolish. And to their credit, no one pointed out my silly name. They just called it what they thought was a better name. I don’t always get away unscathed. 😂

Another opportunity to be schooled by my students happened with my very next emoji. I had planned to make the sun emoji. The LOL emoji was born because one of my Kindergarteners wanted me to make it. The sun emoji was all me and the kids weren’t too enthusiastic about it. I was minding my own business and selected an orange yarn instead of yellow for this one. I had my two orange circles and the face done and was ready to start the edging to join the circles when another Kindergartner asked me if I was going to use the yellow yarn for the sunny edging. I asked her if I should and she said that absolutely I should. So I did. And I had to agree it looked good.


The edging was made using single crochets and picots.

Continue reading

Freebie Friday – Jersey Mitts


Screen Shot 2016-09-05 at 12.45.02 PM

The instructions seem very detailed.

Now that the weather is turning warm, a nice set of cozy mitts might come in handy. The patterns offer full fingered gloves as well fingerless gloves. I have made mittens and full gloves before but I honestly can’t remember if I’ve ever made fingerless gloves. Might be time to give them a try.

I am not affiliated with any websites nor do I make any money from these sites. They are simply patterns I like or would like to try myself.


More Emoji’s! (and Pokeballs)

I’ve gone emoji crazy. I made another one and plan on making many more. They are so easy to make and whip up so quickly with the added bonus that the kids love them.



A kinder wants me to make the emoji that’s laughing so hard it’s crying so that will be the next one.

For good measure, I also made another Pokeball. The Pokeballs are almost as quick and easy and popular as the emjois so there will probably be a few more of those rolling around soon. The kids want different colors so I made this purple one. I added the M because apparently it’s Mega ball or something. How am I supposed to know that?! They keep me on my toes. 🙂


Freebie Friday – Emoji with Sunglasses


I was talking on the phone with hubby and my hands felt idle. It was the perfect opportunity to grab some yarn and make an emoji. I had the idea rattling in my brain since one of my students requested (turned into a suggestion, no more personal requests 🙂 I make one. It was an easy and quick project to work on while gabbing away. I almost got it done by the time we hung up. We do talk for a long time. Love my hubby.

This one didn’t last long in the prize box. It was snatched up right away. There’s nothing worse than making something I think the kids like only to have the poor item sitting in the box for months and, eek, forever. I always feel a little thrill when they pick one of my pieces and run around with it. It’s all about the little pleasures. 🙂

I plan on making more and experimenting with different faces and edgings. These seem so natural for the prize box. Continue reading

Student Corner

I can’t describe the pleasure of seeing how many of my students have caught the crochet bug. I have a new 5th grade girl who picked it up very quickly and got very excited about making things as gifts. I didn’t get a chance to photograph her first finished piece before she gave it away but I have it on good authority (her mom) that it came out very nice and the recipient really loved it.

Today’s post will be about the current work the students are doing to highlight how proud of them I am. One of my 4th grade students finished this cute pillow over the summer.

Nice job!

She also made this cute purse (below).


A 5th grade girl finished a rag doll she started last school year and finished it up this year. Way to go!


So Cute!

And here are my students hard at work on new projects!


Looking fantastic girls!

Freebie Friday – YouTube Pillow


One happy student walked away with this YouTube pillow. Unfortunately it wasn’t the student who asked for it. I didn’t think anyone else wanted it so I threw it in the prize box. I know I said I wouldn’t take anymore personal requests BUT I’m telling myself it isn’t a personal request just because I’m making a new one and hiding it until this student makes it to prize box and then I’ll sneakily put it back in. I’m innocent I say!

It’s super simple to make so I’m almost ashamed to call it a Freebie Friday pattern but still…here it is.  Continue reading