Most Popular Posts

Friday was the  last day to enter my first ever Giveaway. I will post the winner on Monday, Jan. 22, 2018. Good Luck!

Looking back over my three years blogging, I was curious to see which were my most popular posts. I quickly realized I didn’t know what that meant. There are different analytics to look at and I wasn’t sure which one to use to measure what a ‘popular’ post was.

For example, I was going to write about my most popular post on Instagram based on likes. The problem was that the current posts are the ones with the most likes because I have more followers. I realized that I wasn’t really getting any real information there so I’m going to skip Instagram.

It can be kind of the same thing on the blog in terms of likes. The newer posts would have more likes because I have more followers now. However, I think the ‘likes’ on the blog do give a better indication of what my more popular posts are with my followers. I also looked at how many views each post had and think that is a broader measure of its popularity in general. My posts on Pinterest are all grabbed from my blog posts and I wanted to see which ones were saved the most and if there was any overlap.

So here goes:

My Blog: Most LIKED

  1. Student Corner-Crochet Heart Key Chain with 31 likes.
crochet heart


If I had to guess, I would not have thought this post would have received the most likes but it turns out my ‘Student Corner’ posts are well received and that makes me happy. 🙂

2. Crochet hook cases and holders with 30 likes.

Start stitch hook case_2

My favorite hook case.

This was more expected. I could totally see this post being more popular since we can all use cases for something.

3. Craft Yarn Council level II with 29 likes.


I’ glad others joined me on my journey with the courses offered by the Craft Yarn Council. It was so much fun sharing my progress.

My Blog: Most VIEWED

This is where I was the most surprised overall. The most viewed post was way ahead of the others with almost 1000 views. I know that’s not a huge number, but to me, it sure is! I’m only comparing it to myself and my other posts and it stands out.

1. Freebie Friday 2nd Crochet Tooth with a whopping 1000 views.


I was very curious as to why it reached a bigger audience. I believe this one was because of Pinterest. It did really well there (compared to my other pins) and I think it brought traffic to my site. None of my other Pins seemed to have the same crossover.

2. Second Crocheted Minecraft Steve Doll with 500 views.

Minecraft steve doll 2_ 72

Here was another surprise since this is one of my older posts. I guess Minecraft still rules!

3. Crochet Jeffy the Puppet with 400 views.

Crochet Jeffy puppet

I thought this might be popular since it’s so niche and there’s not much out there about him, at least not yet. So no surprises there.

Most Pinned

1. Crochet Caddy with 168 pins.


This surprised me and it didn’t. When I made it, it was so simple, I didn’t think it would be so popular, but thinking about it, I guess people want cute and simple ways to store their hooks.

2. Second Crochet Tooth with 118 pins.


Here he is again. 🙂

My one and only crossover from Pinterest.

3. Dragon Cloak with 112 pins.

Ren Faire cloak 2

I think this one was more popular because the Renaissance Faire is so popular but I’ll take the wins where I can!

And the takeaway?

Nothing really except a fun look back. I hardly ever dig deeper to see how my posts are doing and I’m glad I finally took a look. I was surprised to learn that there wasn’t much overlap in what was most viewed and likes/saves. After three years, you’d think I’d have a handle on figuring out the analytics but I haven’t. I’ll put that on my resolution list; get more savvy about the numbers and what they mean. But most likely, it’s already forgotten. 🙂

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