Crochet- A Distant Memory

I feel like I haven’t crocheted or posted in a long time. It all seemed so distant. It must have been weeks since I made something or posted something. I’ve missed two Freebie Fridays in a row. This I know, which added to this distant feeling I’ve been having. I was all set to post a Freebie Friday this last Friday, but it was interrupted by life. So no post.

Since I hadn’t posted in forever, I decided that today I would sit down and write.

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What should I write about?

I opened up my WordPress account and checked when I had posted last…Um, this is embarrassing. I posted three days ago, which means it hasn’t been forever since I crocheted or posted something.

Not so distant after all. 🙂 But it feels distant. It begs the question (okay, I’m the only one begging) why it feels so long ago? The answer is because I haven’t picked up a hook since I got off of work. How long ago was that? Oh yeah, last Thursday. Three whole days ago! I realize now that I’ve been crocheting everyday for awhile now and with the school year over, I just stopped.

I didn’t consciously decide I wasn’t going to crochet, I just didn’t crochet. Nothing was pressing. No students were barraging me with request. I had nothing specific I wanted to work on and my Bavarian sweater can wait, it being 90 degrees and all. So no crochet is happening at the moment, and it feels weird.

But that hasn’t stopped me from talking about crochet and dreaming and planning about where crochet might take me.

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This is how I dream and plan 🙂

I’ve sporadically mentioned that I wrote a crochet book about how to make dolls and hubby and I have been talking a lot about how to finally get that off the ground. We’ve been strategizing and plotting and just having fun. We talked about his stuff too but this post is about me. Selfish, I know, but I didn’t want you thinking I monopolized the conversation. 😉

I’ve also been listening to crochet podcasts. I found one I really like and I’m finding it to be very inspiring. In the past, I subscribed to a few podcasts on the subject, but after trying to listen to them, they lay abandoned in my queue, never to be listened to again. I felt they didn’t contribute  anything or they plum just didn’t grab my attention. It’s been years, so I gave it another try, figuring there was bound to be new podcasts out there and I found one!

I listened to the latest episode and was hooked from start to finish. It was a long episode and I’m usually turned off by long podcast episodes of anything but I gave it a shot and listened to it while watering the grass. It was an interview about teaching crochet, either for profit or for fun. I’ve been toying with this idea for years now and it piqued my interest. Teaching the kids at school has in turn taught me some valuable lessons and listening to the episode just brought home that I might be ready to take it to the next level.

I listened to a couple more episodes and I liked those as well so I’m sticking with this one. I found it in the iTunes store but I’m sure there are other ways to get the podcast if you are on a different platform but here is a link to the iTunes website in case you are interested.

So even though I’ve been lax in my crocheting (for the past three days lol), I haven’t been completely derelict to the spirit of crochet.

13 thoughts on “Crochet- A Distant Memory

  1. LOL I didn’t crochet for 2 days last week because I was playing with my Kumihimo braid and kept thinking wow I haven’t crocheted in so long – 2 days!! Just 2 Days!!! It has become such a habit. I sit down to watch some tv and I pick up whatever I’m working on. I go to sit outside for a bit and I bring it out with me. I think you should definitely teach crochet! The last time I was in Michael’s buying yarn the lovely woman that rang me up said that they were always looking for crochet instructors. And I can’t wait until you get your book together and publish it!! Are you including the life sized doll?? Oh you should make a ‘coffee table’ book of her posing in all sorts of places!! You could make her some social media accounts and post pictures of her in all around town!! Did you ever give her a name by the way? Is she Yolandacita??

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    • And your braid was beautiful! At least you were crafting. LOL I would sit down, look at my crochet bag and go, nah, not right now. Maybe later.
      I know Michael’s requires a certificate from the Craft Council I think? I was going to take the course just because I found it interesting and as I was looking it over, saw that it’s something either Michael’s or Joann’s requires for their teachers. At the time, I wasn’t as interested in that aspect of it. I just thought it would give me more credibility for my book while teaching me how to be a better teacher to the kids. But that would be something to focus on this summer.
      My book was edited and finished like two years ago! The life-size doll wasn’t even a gleam in my eye back then! However, the principals in my book can be applied to most of the dolls I make and could be used for a life-sized doll. Some of the techniques I used for that one would probably go into my second book that would be a follow up to the first one. When I was writing the first one, it was a huge beast so I broke into two books, with the idea being that the second book would show more of the advance techniques I used for making a doll. That one is in it’s raw stages but I can definitely include the big doll in that one! I hadn’t really thought about including her but that’s a great idea! Thanks Tami!
      If I’m going to use her in any way like you mentioned, I’ll have to ‘rescue’ her from the class. The kids are pretty rough with her and she’s starting to get raggedy! I left her in a closet in class over the summer. No access to her until next year. LOL
      As for a name, the kids all call her the Mrs. Sherman doll. Sometimes I hear them say, little Mrs. Sherman. So I guess that’s what it is. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing the podcast, I will definitely check it out. I’m new (late lol) to the world of podcasts but recently discovered The Creative Yarn Entrepreneur Show and a couple of other. So inspiring! All the best with your book 🙂

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