Tag Archive | crochet turtle

Crochet Turtle, Cupcake and Pokeball

The end of the school year is coming, and the kids are amping up their crochet requests. Many are making it to the prize-box and I’m feeling generous. I’m granting their requests if I think I can finish them in time. One 5th grade boy has gone around the prize chart three times and he didn’t want anything from the regular prize box. He earned two prize-box items and asked if he could trade them for something I could make. He just wanted a Pokeball. That was doable.



After the small turtles, a bunch of the Kinders asked me to make a bigger turtle, so I did some stash-busting and finished a rainbow turtle.

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It’s already reserved for a little Kinder. She begged me not to let anyone else have it since she was only one star away. I agreed and discovered she was four stars away. She’s a little Transitional Kinder and they often make that mistake so I agreed to keep it for her, but she has to work hard to get those stars before the end of the year. She only has ten more days!

Before I even finished the turtle, another Kinder made it to Ultimate Prize-Box and she wanted a crochet cupcake. I’d never made one before but I thought I could whip one up.

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She told me exactly what colors she wanted and it had to have yellow sprinkles. She was over my shoulder asking me again and again if it was done yet. Clearly it wasn’t done! But then it was, and she wasted no time playing with it. It’s always the best when they see me finishing something up. I think it makes it more special for them.

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Happy camper. 🙂

Someone else asked for a turtle but I can’t remember who. I’m pretty sure it was a boy. He better make it to prize box soon so I can get it done. 🙂

Small Crochet Turtles

My coworker was showing me some photos of a crochet turtle she saw while she was out shopping for succulents. She showed me a picture and I asked if she wanted me to make one. She very enthusiastically said yes, if I would be so kind. It was the least I could do. The only reason I have any plants in my backyard is because she gave me all the cuttings I wanted from her garden  (and I wanted plenty). I was very glad I could give her something in return.

I’ve never made a little turtle before (or a big one for that matter) so I wanted to make a practice one. I had just finished making the crochet Voltorb, so I had black and red yarn in my bag, so a black and red turtle it would be.

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It turned out ok but it came out flatter than I wanted. I showed it to her and told her she could keep it if she wanted it but that I would make her a new one in colors she liked. She chose to keep it and I started the next one. I was much happier with it.

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I like the head better on the red one but I like the rounder shape of the green one. The kids really like them so I’ll probably make a few for the prize box. Maybe they’ll even get a tail. 🙂