Tag Archive | handmade crochet

My Top Five Favorite Posts

In honor of my three year blogaversay, I want to share my five favorite posts of all time. It was fun going down memory lane, getting reacquainted with posts I had completely forgotten about and was happy to rediscover.

Speaking of my blogaversay, there’s still time to enter my first ever Giveaway! Last day to enter is January 19, 2018.

And my five favorite posts are…

Number 5: Success!


This post was all about my sis-in-law reading the book I wrote on doll making (that has yet to get laid out or self published!) and making this great doll following my instructions. I was so happy and tickled with her doll. Continue reading

Super Power: Crochet!

I saw the superhero illustration below in an email newsletter I receive from Lion Brand. I loved it instantly. It would have been even better if they were crocheting instead of knitting but I’ll take what I can get. It reminded me of a funny moment I had with one of my Kindergarten boys.

Super Heroes knitting

When I saw this illustration, it was love at first sight! But where is Superman?

One of my co-workers was having a conversation with one of my Kinders. They were talking about superheroes and my co-worker said to the student, “We have a superhero right here.”

The little boy said, “No we don’t. Where is he?”

My co-worker pointed to me and said, “Mrs. Sherman is a superhero.”

“Nuh uh, what’s her superpower then?” he smugly asked, sure in his conviction that I was not a real superhero.

Without missing a beat, I said, “Crochet is my superpower.” He giggled.

“That’s not a super-power,” he countered.

I wasn’t bitter about this. Not many people know crochet is a superpower. I had my counter argument ready.

Well, I said it was a super-power because I could make anything with crochet. You can imagine the silly conversation that ensued about what I could and could not make. Days later, he was mumbling and giggling at the same time about whether crochet could be considered a superpower. This is why I love working with kids. Where else can you have such ridiculous arguments?

Speaking of superheroes, I’ve made some of my own. There’s Superman!

Freebie Saturday – Crochet Emoji Video

Lately, I’ve been making quick projects that I know I can finish in a work day. Now that the life-sized doll is done, I want to take a break from the big projects. I like showing the kids the different items they can crochet, from the big elaborate ones, to the quick and easy ones. Here are some quick and easy ones I made this past week.


We have a star-chart as a reward system in our after-school program and the very last section has morphed and changed over the year. At first, I tried gift cards as the last gift, but it being a new incentive, I hadn’t worked out all the kinks. Later, I only gave certain, nearby choices or instead of that, the option to get two items from the prize-box. Then, it morphed again when I saw that many of the students were still asking me to make things for them (even though they knew I wasn’t doing that anymore). Instead, I started crocheting the items they were requesting and putting them in what I started calling The Ultimate Prize Box. The emojis are always popular and the kids started picking those pieces right away even though I don’t have many items yet. But I hope to have a spike in inventory now that the projects are quicker and easier. Continue reading