Tunisian Crochet Slippers

My old crochet slippers are getting holey, not to be confused with a spiritual experience, they have actual holes on their soles, but don’t worry, their soul’s are just fine.

I had made two sets and I liked them but they turned out way too big.

I wasn’t daunted, though. I crocheted the opening down until my feet didn’t fall out. But they were still way too big. I used the heck out of them anyway, which led to their holiness.

It was time to make a new set, and I vowed this new pair would fit better; no more clown shoes.

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So far so good.

I added a flower again.

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But alas, good intentions and all that. They did indeed turn out smaller and fit really well but…

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Clown Shoes!

But I’m still going to wear the heck out of them. 🙂

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I like clown shoes apparently. 

These are very easy to make, which is probably why I keep making them. 🙂 And I love tunisian crochet because it creates a thick and cozy fabric.

For my next pair, I’ll definitely create something different, definitely. Yes, definitely.

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