Archive | December 20, 2020

Interview About My Crochet Book

I’m so excited! The lovely Claudia Bedolla of Robot Yams interviewed me about my self-published crochet book and my interests. The interview is posted on her site. The questions were great, and it was super fun answering the interview questions. I hope you have a chance to hop over to her site and learn a little more about me. 🙂

Here are a couple of pictures I took recently. Happy holidays!

That’s Mini Me showing off her page in the book.

Let me know what you think of the interview at Robot Yams.

I’ve been a little more active on Instagram lately, but I didn’t forget about my blog. I’ve just been frustrated with the new editor. I went through all the trouble of learning how to use it, only to have it refuse to save my drafts or allowing me to publish. I’ve had to do work-arounds that don’t always work. It’s just enough of a hassle to keep me from posting. But this was too exciting NOT to post, so I figured it out. It wasn’t easy. I finally tried incognito mode and that seemed to fix the issues. I’m still very frustrated because it took way too long to publish this post. I sure hope incognito mode solves the problem going forward.
