Archive | March 17, 2019

My Book

I’ve been working furiously (again) on my crochet book on dolls, and though I’ve missed a couple (only a couple!) of self imposed deadlines, I realize now that I probably won’t finish until summer. BUT, I’ve made tremendous progress! I’ve rewritten, re-photographed and new-photographed a ton, and I feel so happy with the results.

One of the problems I’m having is that some of my older photos aren’t as good as my new photos and I’m working on figuring out what to keep and what to reshoot. The biggest problem with reshooting is that I don’t have some of the original dolls that I would like to re-photograph. Instead, I have to try to Photoshop the original shots or make new dolls entirely, which takes more time. Photoshopping takes time too, and I’m not as skilled as I should be with that.

So I’m somewhere in between. I’m salvaging what I can, reshooting what I still have, and remaking what can’t be saved. I want my book to be something I can be proud of, and I’m feeling pretty proud right about now.

Here are some pieces waiting to be sewn, stuffed, and photographed. I still need to make another two pairs of legs and then I’ll make some dolls to go with those pieces. I’ll end up with at least four new dolls.

New crochet legs.jpg

I took this little guy from work (I sneaked him out of the Ultimate Prize Box) and gave him a mini photo shoot. He can make an appearance in my book now. Look how happy he is! Don’t tell him he still might not make the final cut.


blue.jpgAll in all, I’m pretty pleased. 🙂